I keep shopping and if I don't go to the stores I am shopping online. Especially beauty products. I have spent like $400 in just beauty products which I haven't been able to use much because damn allergies. Allergies have been really kicking my ass this season. Between Hautelook and Amazon I have been going for broke. Oh and ebay again which was an addiction I had kicked a while back. But it's back. lol
Food for whatever reason all I want to do is eat. My latest craving and wants is chamorro food. Lots of rice and different sausages. I cannot find anywhere El Marca Rey Spanish Chorizo sausage. I have been craving that like crazy. I love to cook but I went through months of not wanting to cook and I am still like that I am more on easier and quick rather than homemade and the sad thing is those quick, cheap and easy things are not all that healthy. I need to focus on working out. I have gained some weight I can tell. So starting Monday I really hope to start with some real good workouts so that I can eat things like Chipotle or ramen noodles and not feel guilty.
This chubby girl wants to a not so chubby girl who is not so broke :) One can always hope right. ;p
p.s. I am pretty stoked a friend of mine offered to draw a tattoo for me. I am working on ideas to share with her. That will be last major expense then really I will focus on saving saving. Also gives me motivation to work on the areas I want the tattoo.